Compensation for Neck & Back Pain After a Car Accident
It's almost impossible to be involved in a bad car accident and not suffer from some degree of related neck and back pain. Even a low-speed crash can injure fragile necks. Indeed, a car accident can cause life-altering damage to the neck and back. Victims may have difficulty controlling their body functions, range of mobility,...
Read MoreSpeeding Drivers Continue To Wreak Havoc & Cause More Car Accidents
Traffic safety experts say reckless driving could be the "new normal." Despite fewer vehicles on the road in the past two years, speeding drivers caused more car accidents than ever before, according to a recent study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) about risky driving habits developed during the pandemic. In particular,...
Read MoreCar Accident Fatalities Continue To Trend Upward
2021 was a deadly year for U.S. drivers Car accident fatalities continued to climb higher last year, reaching a 16-year high due to the largest one-year increase in car accident deaths ever recorded, according to statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and reported on by numerous news organizations, including The Associated...
Read MoreFatal Motorcycle Accidents Spike in Nebraska
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and drivers are reminded to share the road The number of fatal motorcycle accidents in Nebraska spiked from 2019 to 2020. According to state data, there were 25 motorcycle accident fatalities in 2019 and 34 in 2020. That's about a 30 percent increase in just one year. For many,...
Read MoreFatal Crash in Omaha Caused by School Bus Underscores the Dangers of Red-Light Running
Drivers need to always obey traffic control signals Far too many drivers in Omaha and throughout Nebraska run red lights, even though entering an intersection any time after the light has turned red is a traffic violation and extremely dangerous. And while some drivers may incorrectly think that running a red isn't that big of...
Read MoreCar Accident Fatalities Surge Nationwide During the Pandemic
An Omaha car accident lawyer explains why motor vehicle deaths have recently spiked Despite fewer drivers on the road, car accident fatalities have increased dramatically in the past two years, according to accident statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and as reported by many news outlets, including The New York Times....
Read MoreSafety Tips for Older Drivers in Nebraska
Omaha car accident lawyers explain how to avoid a collision Car accidents involving older drivers have become increasingly common in recent years. At least, that’s what many people think is the truth. But actual accident statistics tell a different story, according to The New York Times. “Although there are now more older drivers than ever...
Read MoreVehicle Touchscreens Linked to Distracted Driving, Study Finds
Omaha car accident lawyers explain what drivers need to know Vehicle touchscreen displays can be very distracting for many drivers and should be taken into account when considering contributing factors in distracted driving car accidents, according to a recent driver safety study. Researchers from Drexel University conducted the study last year, according to Science Direct....
Read MoreNebraska Has The Highest Percentage of Fatal Crashes Involving Young Drivers
An Omaha Car Accident Lawyer Reveals Why Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death for teens and young adults. Over the last 10 years, this age group has accounted for 1 out of every 8 fatal car accident victims. The situation is particularly dire in Nebraska. The state tied with Utah and Kansas...
Read MoreTraffic Study Confirms Dangers of Omaha Intersection
A car accident attorney examines the issue Local residents know too well about the traffic dangers in their Omaha neighborhood. The city’s traffic engineers agree. But can anything be done to prevent car accidents and make the area safer? ‘I think somebody hit the house again’ Annette Bland did not need a traffic study to...
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