Police Say Alcohol May Have Been a Factor in Tragic Omaha Intersection Accident
Five high school-aged students were inside an SUV recently involved in a tragic fatal car accident in Omaha. Police suspect alcohol and speeding may have played a role in the crash, which has sent shockwaves throughout the community. Omaha Public Schools recently confirmed that four of the teens in the crash have a connection with...
Read MorePedestrian Seriously Injured in Nebraska After Getting Hit By a Car
An Omaha personal injury lawyer reveals the details you should know Most people don’t think they will get into an accident if they are simply out walking. Whether they are walking down a road or crossing the street, people usually think they will be safe as long as they are careful. But pedestrian accidents caused...
Read MoreFatal Crash Highlights the Dangers of Omaha Intersection
A recent intersection accident in Omaha that resulted in three fatalities has residents wondering why state officials haven’t done more to prevent serious crashes at the infamous crossing, according to NBC 6 News in Omaha. The deadly intersection is located where Highways 77 and 109 meet in Omaha. In late July, three siblings died in...
Read MoreBest and Worst Drivers For 2021: Where Does Omaha Rank?
If car accidents seem common in Omaha, it’s not your imagination. Omaha was recently ranked the worst driving city in the country in an annual nationwide study titled “The Best and Worst Drivers By City.” Conducted by QuoteWizard, the study analyzed crash statistics and several other criteria for cities nationwide, then compiled a list of...
Read MoreAre zoom 'zombies' causing fatal crashes?
Car accident lawyers in Omaha reveal what drivers in Nebraska need to know about 'zoombies' It used to be mostly late-night shift workers and people with sleep disorders who were driving drowsy, fatigued, and unfocused. Now, a third group can be added to this list: “Zoom zombies.” A Zoom zombie, or “zoombie,” is someone who...
Read MoreWhy you need an experienced lawyer after a truck accident
Truck accident cases are nothing like standard car accident cases. There are usually more insurance companies and parties involved, which makes it difficult to pursue damages. Due to the size and weight of large trucks, the damage they cause in a crash is often widespread and catastrophic. According to the Nebraska Department of Transportation: More...
Read MoreHow to obtain and read your Nebraska car accident report
If you were recently involved in a car accident, the aftermath can be extremely frustrating. You're dealing with damages to your car, hospital bills and lost time at work. If you expect the other driver's insurance company to compensate you for your damages, you must prove that the other driver's negligence led to your crash....
Read MoreWho will pay for my surgery after a car or truck accident?
Car and truck accident victims often face mounting medical bills and other crash-related expenses. On top of that, injured crash victims often have to take time off from work or avoid certain activities during recovery. Some crash-related injuries are treated with nothing more than pain medication, rest, and rehabilitation. Not all injuries will heal without...
Read MoreDelayed pain after a car accident may be a sign of something serious
If you're able to walk away from the scene of a crash without a debilitating injury, consider yourself lucky. That doesn't mean you haven't sustained an injury that needs medical attention. You may not have had any noticeable pain or symptoms immediately after your crash due to shock and adrenaline. Days later, you may begin...
Read MoreWhat are the top tips to avoid drowsy driving?
Most drivers would admit they have occasionally felt drowsy behind the wheel. They might have even nodded off for a few seconds, an experience known as microsleep. Falling asleep behind the wheel, even for a moment, is extremely dangerous and can result in a serious car accident. Your safety – and the safety of others...
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